Adding topsoil to a flowerbed is the best way to produce beautiful blooms, thanks to the blend of nutrients available from a good topsoil. However, if you don't add topsoil the right way, you can do more harm than good and end up creating problems for yourself. If you're spending the autumn creating some new borders and beds for your garden, here's the right way to add topsoil for professional results.


Choosing the right topsoil mix for your garden

You need to match the topsoil to the existing structure of your garden soil, otherwise you may find that your plants either dry out or become waterlogged. Take a soil sample and either have it analysed or analyse it yourself. If your soil is very heavy with clay or fine and flyaway with sand, then use a topsoil which will correct it to allow the right balance of drainage.


Choose topsoil for fertility

If you buy your topsoil from a trusted supplier like London Topsoil Company you'll have access to analysis documents and a complete breakdown of soil composition. This means you can purchase topsoil that has the ideal pH level, usually between 6 and 7, or you can amend it according to your particular needs, secure in the knowledge that you have an accurate picture of your topsoil's composition.


Digging in topsoil for optimum results

You should never simply dump a load of topsoil on top of your existing garden soil and expect results. Roots will not be able to penetrate the exisiting soil layer and drainage may be compromised. Instead, you'll need to create a transition layer.

• Remove all the debris from your garden soil including rocks, grass and weeds.
• Work the existing soil with a fork, spade or rotivator to a fine tilth, thoroughly breaking up any clods of clay.
• Spread a 3 inch layer of topsoil over the flowerbed and then dig or rotivate until the two soils are completely combined.
• Build up the topsoil to the right thickness for your plants. For example, perennials usually require a 10 inch planting layer. Use a quality topsoil like a blended topsoil with plenty of nutrients or a premium grade topsoil for guaranteed best results.
• Rake the surface level and plant up some sedums, Japanese anemones and asters for a beautiful display of autumn colour.