Topsoil is integral to having healthy lawns, flowers, plants, trees, and shrubs in your garden. Individuals who have gardens that unfortunately have poor soil turn to topsoil to transform their tired outdoor areas. Topsoil is extremely high in organic matter, which makes it perfect for fertilizing the ground. The biggest threat to exposed topsoil in your garden is erosion; water and wind can wear it away. This will remove the soils nutrients and could clog water systems. We urge you take preventive steps immediately if you think your topsoil could be in danger as even just a short layer of lost soil could take years to rebuild. We have carefully created a list of simple steps to take to ensure that the loss of topsoil in your garden is avoided at all costs.
Improve drainage Your house should really possess gutters and pipes that are able to drain water effectively out of your garden and into water collection systems if you wish to save your topsoil. If not, you run the risk of washing away a whole layer of topsoil because of inadequate drainage. If you do have an area that is constantly being eroded by the water pouring off the gutter on the house then we suggest directing the water towards an area where the topsoil will not be washed away or lengthening the spout. Alternatively you could place rocks in front of the soil so the water is faced with them rather than your topsoil.
Reduce watering If possible consider a less frequent watering schedule as erosion is encouraged by over-watering.
Mulch Any exposed dirt should be covered in mulch, this will also protect young plants and grass seeds from animals and water run off, providing them sufficient time to grow. Whilst mulch can be made from many things including shredded junk mail, we advise that you use plant-matter mulch for the most effective results. Whilst mulch will deteriorates over time when that happens the soil will no longer need its protection.
Straw Straw can be used in a similar way to mulch and is very inexpensive. It can help to keep your topsoil from washing away and will protect any seeds that have recently been planted.
Increase vegetation By planting grass and shrubs their roots will hold the soil together whilst their leaves will lessen the damage caused by rain. Try and ensure that no soil is left bare by opting to plant turf, ornamental grass and low spreading shrubs.
Avoid soil compaction Foot and vehicle traffic can compress soil, this makes it less porous and more vulnerable to water runoff. Establish permanent walkways to keep your topsoil safe.
Build a barrier To prevent all your topsoil washing down the hill each time it rains build a low wall out of treated lumber so the dirt will press up against the barrier. This means that it will no longer wash away down the hillside.